Prevent Firefox Adverts Opening SteamVR

I have a HTC Vive and lately when browsing various sites including engadget & Tom’s Hardware I notice SteamVR keeps opening.  Turns out some dickhead advertisers are trying to force VR ads on me.  The problem is I work with lots of Firefox tabs open across 3 screens and when you try to close SteamVR […]

Noctua Fan Resistor Ohms

Working on a hardware problem and I had to find the ohms (Ω) for the various Noctua Fan Resistors.  Found everything I needed but didn’t see a single source for them all so thought it might help others if I compiled it all into one place: Classic Black LNA 50Ω (source) Classic Blue ULNA 81Ω […]

Old Site Content Imported

It took me ages but I finally managed to pull out all the old content from the blog and wiki systems. Now I just have to go through the 200+ pages and 400+ comments, giving them the once over before making each one live. So all the big complicated jobs have been done, now it’s […]

Goodbye G-Camp

I’ve been a member of the G-Camp Muay Thai school for almost 8 years, I’ve had 13 ring fights, helped out at many of the inter-clubs and made many good friends along the way. I realised quite a while ago that I had reached a plateau and wasn’t getting any better, I actually felt over […]

Copy Photoshop Layers To New Document

This is a simple short tip on how to copy one or more layers and/or layer groups to a new Adobe Photoshop document. Open the document you want to duplicate layers from. Create a new document you want the duplicated layers to be placed in or open a current document. In the Layers panel, select […]

Yes – let the joyous news be spread! The Wicked Old Witch at last is dead!

— Mayor of Munchkin City