Sky By Broadband is not what it seems Part II
In a follow up to my previous post on Sky By Broadband I will show you how to disable its downloading abilities when its not in use.
In a follow up to my previous post on Sky By Broadband I will show you how to disable its downloading abilities when its not in use.
Senators Hillary Clinton, Joe Lieberman, and Evan Bayh recently announced that they will introduce “The Family Entertainment Protection Act” which would regulate the sale of certain video games throughout America. Anti-video game forces are pressing forward. Gamers must stand up now and take action. The government does not regulate access to or the sale of […]
I got offered a job today using JSP. I haven’t touched this language at all so I was quite intrigued to see what it looked like. After a bit of reading it seems pretty easy to write although some areas appear much more bloated than C# i.e. there’s a lot of repeating code blocks. C# […]
OK so it isn’t exactly news but its really funny and worth a look: Angry Alien Productions
Its a site where you upload an image with the font in it and it will do its best to tell you the name of the font. This is quite old now but I only just found out about it: What The Font?
Why am I Mr. Pink?
— Mr. Pink