Movie Review – Rocky I-VI

I was born a little late in life to of enjoyed the Rocky saga when it first hit the streets. I’ve always heard the Rocky related jokes and comments but they never really made much sense to me having not seen any of the movies. All that recently changed with the release of Rocky Balboa […]

Hardware Review – D-Link DSM-320RD Media Lounge

I bought one of these a few months ago as I had just moved house and needed a new way to watch video off the server on the TV/Projector downstairs. At my old place it was in the next room so I just ran a pair of long s-video and audio cables across. Because I […]

End of my wireless woes

So after months of battling with my wireless network I’ve finally had enough. Wireless technology is just not ready for mainstream usage despite what the big brands may be saying. Sure if your a casual user who just wants to google some data or check your mail it might be fine but for file sharing, […]

Wireless network ping spikes

I recently purchased a Belkin F5D7000 PCI wireless network card. I’ve installed 3 of these in various machines over the past few months and had little trouble with them. The one I used in my machine would have to break this of course and from the start has given me problems. I’m 99% sure that […]

So sometimes things don’t go well. But I don’t worry about it. Because… Just like there’s a right place for everything around me, there must be the right place for me somewhere in this world. Right, somewhere in this world. That’s what I believe.

— Osamu Tsuji, Right Place