Kicked out of Karate

Today I got permanently kicked out of both my Karate and Kickboxing classes. On Sunday we were sparring in the boxing ring and I ducked under Gareth’s right punch and came back with a right hook to the body. I think the fact that he was punching down towards my head and I was punching […]

Flash Hates The Future

Recently I sent over a few Flash 8 source files to a friend at his company. There was one main Flash .fla file and a few external classes stored in separate .as files. When they tried to publish them on their Mac they received a series of errors like this: They had one for each […]

Flash FLVPlayback Seperate Play and Pause Buttons

I’m working on a custom skin for the FLVPlayback component. The design requires a play button with a pause button next to it at all times. All the provided skins use the dual PlayPauseButton system. That’s where you have a play button and no pause button. When you press play it switches to become the […]

I am not a number, I am a free man

I may not be a number but I am now the top result for David Millington in Google, Yahoo and MSN for both worldwide and UK searches, have some of that my photographer doppelganger 😛

Major b2evolution and UFO issue

For the past few months I’ve been using Unobtrusive Flash Objects for writing the code required to display Flash in a HTML page. I’ve never had a problem with it until I decided to use it on my own site. The wiki side worked straight away but the blog consistently died in Internet Explorer 6. […]

Keep the lights on. I’ll be back.

— Jack O’Neill, SG1