Missing WordPress Gutenberg Controls

Lately I’ve been working on a WordPress Gutenberg plugin. The official WordPress documentation has always been a bit hit and miss due to them changing things so frequently but it’s been good for getting the initial plugin development environment setup. Unfortunately, within an hour of development I stumbled into my first big problem; several of […]

Fixing the NPX Windows ‘get’ Error

Today I was dabbling with the WordPress plugin builder and the first step is to run npx @wordpress/create-block which seems fairly straight forward except on Windows if you have a space in your username. The fix is easy once you know how…

WordPress Authors Dropdown & Custom Roles

I’ve been using the Members plugin on a client’s WordPress site to define custom roles. It’s been working great except for one thing; the authors dropdown on the Gutenberg document editor does not show anyone who has a custom role. Continue reading to see my solution.

Solving The WordPress Login Redirect Loop Problem

Recently I’ve been working on a new project as part of a development team. After a recent Git merge I found that I was unable to save any changes on WordPress posts and pages. I logged out of the site and cleared cache but then found I was unable to login. When I entered my […]

Laravel 5.8 and PHPUnit tearDown!

When trying to run my Laravel/PHPUnit integration tests I received this error: ReflectionException: Class config does not exist It is one of those vague error messages that can be triggered by a lot of different problems and none of the many solutions to these common issues worked for me. In the end the solution came […]

Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.

— Oscar Goldman