ActionScript 3 Greyscale

Just had to desaturate a clip and then return it to normal. Code wise it’s rather simple, the following turns a MovieClip with an instance name of test to grey: To return it to the default state just clear the color matrix:

Fixing Vistas Slow Network Speed

I jumped on the Vista bandwagon quite early on and one continuous problem I’ve had is when copying files across my network. Most files would copy across at high speeds, in the MBs however some filetypes would crawl across at around the 10KB. A 900KB swf file would take almost 1 minute to copy. A […]

View Saved 3DMark 3DR File

I wanted to view some saved 3DMark06 files which have the .3dr extension. If you rename the file to have a .zip extension then you can unzip it to see 4 files. One of these is called Result.xml and contains all your scores. It’s a bit of a mess to look at though. An easier […]

Joomla and SWFObject IE6 Base Tag Issue

One of the sites I’ve been working on recently introduced a couple of Flash elements to the layout. I’ve been using SWFObject 2 to write out the HTML to the page for these. Works fine in IE7, FF2, FF3 and Opera 9 but IE6 refuses to load the page. I viewed source on the page […]

I can’t come back.

— Wizard of Oz