Vista Fonts Suddenly Missing

At some point yesterday around 400 fonts got deleted from my system. I didn’t realise what had happened at first however I did notice that Flash and Photoshop both crashed during startup at the point when they were loading fonts. I put it down to the system needing a restart due to a ton of […]

Vista Cannot Access XP Network Shares

So today I decided to unplug the LED cable for my cases power switch; ASUS have consistantly sucked at fixing a bug in their 3rd Eye motherboards bios that means the LED flashes continuously when in standby mode. The bios option to disable this behaviour only works the first time standby mode is activated. After […]

Windows Network Adapter Jargon

Over the past few years I’ve always had a curiosity for trying to tweak my network adapter settings as you can see from some of my past posts; Fixing Vistas Slow Network Speed, Vista VPN == Slow Net Access, End of my wireless woes and Wireless network ping spikes. I’ve always found it rather difficult […]

My House Was Burgled

Today my house was burgled. They stole my brand new 50″ TV and my kinda new XBox Elite, joypad and a few games and movies. They also stole the boxes for both the TV and XBox which serves me right for keeping them! I’m rather pissed off that they did it in broad daylight. The […]

Update Flash IDE Player

Everyone knows that to update your browsers Flash player you just need to visit the Adobe site and follow the “Get Flash” links. Pretty simple stuff, however doing this does not update the Player that the IDE uses, which is the same one used when you open a swf on its own off your HDD. […]

A lot can happen between now and never…

— Petyr Baelish AKA Little Finger, Game Of Thrones