Photoshop CS4 Batch Resize Images

So today I found myself with a few hundred photos of varying dimensions. Ideally I wanted them all to be quite small but maintain their aspect ratio. This is well easy to do in CS4. Open Photoshop CS4 and do File->Scripts->Image Processor We start in the first stage. Select the radio option next to the […]

Sky HD Hidden Service Menu

The other day my satelite dish went on the fritz and I had to call Sky to sort it out. Turns out the simple fix in the end was to unplug the box from the mains and then plug it back in. The operator told me that sometimes when switching channels the LNB on the […]

Convert An Image To Color Swatches In Photoshop CS4

So I was sat here manually picking the colors from an image and it was taking ages. Turns out there is a really easy way to do this in Photoshop CS4. It exists in earlier versions but the process is a bit different and I couldn’t actually find anywhere detailing how to do it with […]

Building your own SlimDX binary from SVN

I’m a big fan of this free DX managed wrapped called SlimDX. I used to use Managed DX but MS abandoned that which meant I was limited to DirectX version 9. SlimDX makes it possible to still use C# but also to have access to the latest DX10 and DX11 classes. The official releases of […]

Panasonic TX-P50V10 Plasma TV Optical Woe

I bought one of these a while ago. It kicks ass. Like totally. One thing I have run into which is really annoying is that if you have a HDMI input source like an XBox 360. If you then use the optical audio output to connect the TV to an amp it will only ever […]

Every soldier knows that war is more than arms and armour. Every warrior carries an image of impending victory in his heart. When the image shatters to be replaced by defeat, he is beaten. But sometimes a warrior receives assistance from an unexpected source, an inrush of light blasting away his fear and despair, releasing new inner strength. A war is much more than arms and armour. Half of every conflict is the will to win.

— Jedi Knight Arca Jeth, Tales of the Jedi