More MDM Zinc Issues

I’ve had issues with MDM Zinc in the past but due to certain issues with Adobe AIR find myself stuck with Zinc. I can’t really be bothered getting into why AIR is unsuitable for our current needs but safe to say it is. There are other alternatives to Zinc but I don’t have the time […]

Migrating from Windows Live Mail to Outlook 2010

I signed up to the Microsoft Office 2010 beta program last week. My main motivation was so I could use Outlook to sync my contacts with my HD2 WinMo phone. It would of been nice if that could sync with Windows Live Mail but hey, the powers that be decided that would be too easy. […]

Living With The HTC HD2

A while ago I bought a HTC HD2. I did a minor bit of tinkering with it to get it just right. I’m still only about half way done with the changes I want to make but I thought I’d post about what I’ve noticed so far.

b2evolution Base Tag Issue

b2evolution uses a base tag to help with its template system. This is fine in modern browsers but depending on how the base tag is written IE6 may refuse to show the site at all, even going to the point of giving the user a popup warning dialogue. The fix is quite simple and I’ve […]


I really liked my Nokia E65, I’ve had it for ages now and it’s treated me very well but the time came to move on. I opted for a HTC HD2. Yes, I know a Windows Mobile device. Shock horror. Well pardon my French but screw you guys! I’ve never actually owned a WinMo device […]

If you go to Z’ha’dum you will die.

— Kosh Naranek