Category: Software

Photoshop CS4 Batch Resize Images

So today I found myself with a few hundred photos of varying dimensions. Ideally I wanted them all to be quite small but maintain their aspect ratio. This is well easy to do in CS4. Open Photoshop CS4 and do File->Scripts->Image Processor We start in the first stage. Select the radio option next to the […]

Convert An Image To Color Swatches In Photoshop CS4

So I was sat here manually picking the colors from an image and it was taking ages. Turns out there is a really easy way to do this in Photoshop CS4. It exists in earlier versions but the process is a bit different and I couldn’t actually find anywhere detailing how to do it with […]

Plesk and the naughty Apache user

I use Plesk for one of my servers and have had this problem for a while now were certain files and directories could not be removed via the Plesk File Manager or FTP, permission denied. These files were created by Joomla when I installed a module through one of it’s admin pages. The problem with […]

Zinc 3 aka Total Waste Of Money

I started using Zinc when it was 2.5, it was buggy and on more than one occasion caused me some severe grievences. A nice one was when I had a presentation that had to store data in a MySQL database. Nothing complex but the presentation itself was supposed to be potentially viewed by up to […]

FlashDevelop with Air 1.5

FlashDevelop 3.0.0 R5 is out and as usual it rocks. One cool thing is that it has all the AS3 classpaths setup as default, this was something you had to manually setup in prior releases. One slightly oversighted thing is with the Adobe Air classes. Whilst code completion and syntax highlighting works if you create […]